Creative Farm Wedding in Dorset

Bethy and Lee


How on Earth am I supposed to put into words what went down back in September? A farm wedding for the ages. I have never been part of something so perfect, so moving, so heartfelt, and so genuine. I'll try to start at the beginning. 

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“You are a bloody genius. You have moved me beyond words.” - Bethy

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Bethy and Lee, both former athletes (Bethy picked up a silver and a bronze at London 2012 no less), are the exact kind of people I got into wedding photography for. Genuine, passionate, and caring to a fault, they embody all that is good in the world. When they first contacted me regarding their farm wedding plans, I was hooked. When they described further what they meant, what their farm meant, and what their day would be about, I was well and truly hooked. 

Sturts Community Trust is a supported living and wellbeing centre for adults with learning difficulties, to which Bethy and Lee (and the whole family) are hugely devoted. There was only ever going to be one place for the wedding celebration. They were so enthusiastic about including everything and everyone at Sturts Farm in their wedding plans, and to see how they pulled it off is mind blowing.

I visited Sturts a couple of months before the wedding and it looked like, well, a farm. How they transformed it that quickly is incredible. A humungous shout-out needs to go to Sarah at Wild and Wonder Events and also Joey at The Wild Fox) for creating and bringing to life this incredible setting.

There isn't much more I can say except, Bethy and Lee and all at Sturts, I love you all, and I'll remember this day for as long as I live. 

 Here's Bethy and Lee's day as I saw it


Shout Outs

Dress - Minster Bridal
Lee's suit - The Vintage Suit Hire Co
Wedding Stylist - Wild and Wonder Events
Flowers - The Wild Fox
Venue - Sturts Farm