South Downs Manor Wedding Photography


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Oh my ghaaaad! We LOVE them!!
Thank you sooooo much!
Can’t wait to show everyone and get them up on the wall :)


I met Lauren and Will at a previous wedding, as is so often the case they see how amazing I am and say "we must book him NOW!!!" Urm, I mean I think that's how it goes. Anywho, I knew right from the off that I wanted to shoot their wedding for them. South Downs Manor is such a gorgeous place I knew it would be a beaut of a day. Also, they were so "into" their photography, and knew just what they wanted. Nothing cheesy. Nothing forced. Simply genuine, authentic, and heartfelt images. Count me in.

We headed off to Croyde for their pre-wedding shoot (check it out HERE - it's a goodun) and got a feel for each other. These guys love being outdoors, as their wedding attests - anyone who is willing to play around in puddles in a Grace Loves Lace gown is my kinda gal. These two just embraced everything about their day. Yes, it rained, but so what? They had an absolute ball nonetheless.

Their wedding at South Downs Manor had it all. Gorgeous light. Style. Flowers to die for. And more than that, 2 people who let me into their little world and let me capture it how I wanted. For that, I am always thankful.

Here's Lauren and Will's day as I saw it.

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Dress - Grace Loves Lace

Shoes - Kurt Geiger

Will's Suit - Victor Valentine

Make-up - Amanda Clarke

Flowers - Sarah Guild

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